Sunday, March 26

Brief Notes on Books

Currently reading: Collapse : How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond. Next up, or in parallel: Breaking the Spell : Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett.

I saw yet another new anti-evolution book in the bookstore today. Or more precisely, an anti-human evolution through a messed up and naive understanding of "Darwinism" book by a philosopher way out of his depth. More later.

An Urban Outfitters opened in town recently. Last week the local chapter of the Girls Shouldn't Want To Have Fun Brigade protested them because along with the clothing and accessories they have the audacity to sell Books!On!Sex! The odd thing was that they didn't have signs about what they were protesting, just identical printed signs with just a website address. According to Technorati and Google, they have no inbound links at all.

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Time to update the sidebar a bit. Google Reader unveiled a new feature, sharing your reading lists. It allows you to publically share your "starred" items or items with a certain label (tag). I've decided to share my starred items in the sidebar, making a no-fuss recommened reading list. Google Reader has some interesting bells and whistles and could be a great RSS reader instead of a mearly good one if they could work out some of the interface and backend kinks.

The blogroll also badly needed an update, as a lot of my favorite blogs have moved around the past few months.

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